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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Photo Diary #1

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!
Or as I like to call it - Single's Awareness Day!

Originally, I thought I was going to do a fun little post where I wrote a letter from Valentine to his lover - kind of recreating the beginning of the saying 'Valentine's Day'. We learned about it at school today.

Did you know that in Rome, on Valentine's Day, they piked a boy's name and a girl's name from a wooden box and the two chosen had to be a couple for the rest of the year? It was supposed to be by chance, but it was really rigged by their parents, who had been arranging the marriage for years.
Instead of arranging my marriage, my mother sprang for some fun holiday treats.

 I love coming home to gifts <3

 And she even spelled Valentine correctly.

Addison got Happy Feet and Horton Hears a Who.
Let me rephrase that - I got Happy Feet and Horton Hears a Who. They will be mine.
Don't judge. They're great movies. 

 Owen got a chew toy.

 Apparently, my mother was feeling paticularly generous and got us all some applesauce.
 Or it could be for her husband, who is currently not allowed to eat solid food.
 Happy Valentine's Day, Joshua.

All in all, I got some pretty awesome presents.

In other new, I did not make it to the next round of the writing contest. At first, when I found out, I cried. I'll admit it. I cried. This is the first time I've been rejected, but that doesn't mean I'm going to roll over and give up. JK Rowling got denied a ton before her books got published. Even if I lost, it doesn't mean I should quit writing. I won't give up. I love writing and I think I should be thankful, even if I lost a contest that I really wanted to win, for the love of writing I have.

Happy Valentine's Day, folks.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Drawing Game

Hey, people!

It's been awhile.

I'm in Speech class this semester because, sadly, Short Stories was only for one semester. But, Speech isn't all bad. For the first solid half of the period we play games designed to better our communication skills. 

This game is simple. The seven of us sat in a circle with our own piece of paper. We wrote one sentence and then passed it to our left. That person read the sentence and they drew a picture of that sentence. They folded up the first sentence so the next person could only see the picture they drew. The paper travels all the way around the circle. I think you'll be able to understand from my pictures. 
Be warned - some of these are hilarious. 

Game #1

 That person did a good job.

 See, we're on track here.

Okay, nice creativity.
 But then it came to me - and the only thing I could think of was why in that picture the girl took off her skirt. So I wrote:

 I feel bad for Alli. She was the person after me. She read my sentence and just sighed.

 And then it go to my teacher.
Sorry, Mr. Fuggit.

 It went from 'read a book' to 'a woman read a steamy love card and proceeded to take off her clothes. Seriously?'  It was mostly my fault, though. I'll take the blame for this one.

I think this next one is funny.

Game #2

 Paige penned a perfect sentence. (Notice the awesome alliteration, pretty please.)

 Well, that is definitely creepy. Props to the drawer - Jordan.

Sadly, next it was my turn. I think I take the pictures a little too literal.

Alli's a good artist - great, in fact. The rest of in class use stick figures. Sadly, her drawing skills led to this game's downfall. Her monster's bloog/fang thing was interpreted as a beard.

 This is probably the best drawing I've ever seen.

 This is a great sentence.

And finally, game #3.
 This is an ongoing debate at our school. We have salad bar every other day (which, admittedly, isn't great) and Paige, a girl in my class, is devastated every day they do not put turkey in the salad bar. The students make it and Scott, another boy in our Speech class, is in the Foods class.
She's been trying to coerce him into putting turkey into salad bar for about five months now.

 I saw this picture and I knew - I knew - it was a turkey ordering an espresso.
Which I called it an 'expresso'. I can't spell, okay?

 Okay, Mr. F added a little blurp about Thanksgiving. That's okay. No big deal.

  . . .  Thanksgiving.

And we get here.
Pretty close to the original. A central idea of turkey is still present.

That's all I've got for now, folks. I've been sickly lately - all from a tiny scratch on my ear that turned into a pretty bad infection. But, I'm almost off my medicine, though. Plus, I took the ACT again. There's much college talk at my house. My writing contest results are in a few days. I'm looking for a job.

I think I'm going to take a nap.