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Sunday, May 26, 2013


I'm a nerd.

Reading is one of my favorite things to do, and because of that I have developed a deep love for quite a few literary works. Books, plays, blogs - you name it, I'll most likely read it and then read it again. Over the years, I have gotten very good at reading. I can read a book in a short amount of time. So instead of buying book, my mom started dropping me off at Borders and I'd just read the books I wanted to.

But, if I really love a book, I purchase it. So I can read it again and again and again. It doesn't matter if I've read a book dozens of times, I'll read it and still laugh and cry during it.  I love many books as you can see below.

But I have varying degrees of adoration. Let me break down my literary hierarchy.

The Bottom Shelf:

 These are books that are okay. I am a high critic of books. These, yes, are books I enjoyed enough to buy (or I bought then at garage sales and kept them), but didn't blow my mind. Solid C pluses to B minuses.

The Middle Shelf:

 I enjoy reading these books and have read most of them more than twice. (Except Mockingjay. I want to burn that book and then run over the ashes in my Toyota Camry).

The Top Shelf:

*insert glorious music* 
These are the best of the best in my mind. I have read most of them books dozens of times. One of my favorites is missing - my original copy of Hunger Games. I have read that book over 100 times ( I am being serious). It has been submerged in blue Gatorade and ran over. Lots of love for these books.

Now that I've got that out of the way I thought I'd share with you my favorite books.

Not all of them - that would take a very long time - but my top 5 novels and then my top 5 series.

Ready? Okay!

#5 - Drowning Instinct by Ilsa J. Blick
      This book is good. It gets a little  . . . odd at times, but it has one of the strongest character's I've ever met. Jenna (the protagonist) tells her story in a unique way that really defines the book and brings the story into a new light. 

 #4 - Hold Still by Nina LaCour
        I read this book my Freshman year of high school and I found myself thinking about it for three years. I bought it off amazon and I still love it.

#3 - Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson
         Anderson is also the author of two other books I love: Speak and Fever. After Hunger Games, this book is the one I've read the most.

#2 - Ready Player One by Ernest Cline
     The only book in my top ten that has a male as a protagonist and as an author. It's about a future society that relies on a video game world for everything, which is not something I'm really interested in. But it is SO good. I have a new found appreciation of video games and of 80's pop culture after reading this book. 

#1 - Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor
       I think it is going to be a trilogy, but the other books are not out yet. It is the best book I have ever read. After reading this book I wanted to move to Prague (the setting). It's an amazing story with such an intricate plot. It's about demons and angels, but its also one of the best love stories I have ever read. I read it in one sitting and it showed me what kind of a writer I want to be.
It's so hard to explain and I'm not doing it justice. Just go read it.

Series time!

#5 - The Forest of Hands and Teeth by Carrie Ryan
     It's about zombies, but it's also very much about humanity. They inspired me to write my own series about zombies.

#4 - Divergent series by Veronica Roth
      Fabulous books. Plus, Roth is very funny and used to go to my old church. Sadly, I do not yet own this series.

#3 - The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
       If you know me, then you know I adore the Hunger Games trilogy. The first and second book are amazing books. However, the final book in the series was awful. Terrible. The worst ending to any series and the most disappointing book I've ever read. I re-read the other books all the time and they would be #1 and #2 in my favorite novels if not for Mockingjay.

#2 - Gregor the Overlander series by Suzanne Collins
       I started reading this series when I was 12 and have read it dozens of times. I love the characters and the story. They are so good. Must be read. The last three are my favorite. Perfection. Well done. With a great finale, I might add. (I'm not smashing Collins - I think she's a fabulous writer.)


#1 - The Clockwork Princess / City of Bones series by Cassandra Claire 
     I do not own any of these books!!!! But they are my favorite. They are, I guess, two separate series by Claire, but the Clockwork trilogy is a prequel to the City of Bones series. Like my favorite novel, they involve demons ( I just realized that similarity) and they are just as amazing. 

Also -



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