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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

My Theories

In my life, I have developed many theories that I know in my heart - and my soul- are true. If I had a soul, they'd be true there, too.

   The color theory or otherwise known as color-smell-theory is the perception that all colors have a smell. This theory has been argued and thought upon since the beginning of creation but, nevertheless, it has been proven by a flame-haired sixteen year old girl who went to a Lutheran preschool.

And at this Lutheran preschool, there was this color chart. I can still picture it in my head. It had 8 colors on it - each one shown as a picture of something that color. For example, purple was a picture of dancing grapes. White was laundry sheets, I think. Let me present to you a crude drawing of what the chart potentially could of looked like:

^Why must the black border be there, computer? Why?
^Also, notice how the Lutherans spell 'Colours'

The chart, and my teacher, taught me that not only did colors have a hue, but they also had a smell. And not necessarily linked to the pictures, either. It's like . . . you smell something and you're like 'Oh, that's definitely green'. Colors have smells. I can go outside and smell green. But I cannot put my face up to someone's shirt and be like 'Blue, I know it's blue' because that is ridiculous. That's something completely different. Colors have a smell, people. But something that is blue does not just smell blue, is just is blue. That is fabric die, my children. 

I think I have just succeeded in not making any sense at all.

2) Theory Number 2

I had another theory, but I forgot it. 

Well . . . 

1 comment:

  1. I just like how "colors" is spelled British style.
