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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Time Travel

^This post is titled Time Travel, because I made this post about a week ago and forgot to publish it. 

My postings have been rather wimpy lately, if you haven't noticed. I've been pretty busy. I took the ACT two weeks ago and I had to read a rather large (rather boring) book, but it did help, I must admit. I've been editing. And my first semester of school has proved to be more challenging than I'd originally thought it would be. Especially online French, gag me. But, alas, it is done.

I'm not very sad to see it go. I think Google Translate needs a break from all my translating. 

I passed French with an 85% - but it's an Honors class, so it is bumped up to a 95%. I am perfectly happy with that. I am overjoyed. I still want to learn the French language, but I would rather have my eyes gouged out with a spork than finish the next semester of that online class.

In other news - the final editing of Riley Girl has drawn to a close.
The first thing I did was go through the book with a neon pen (I've learned that pencil does not really help the editing process because after 300+ pages, the marks tend to blend together). And then I go back through my actual word document and edit there. But, sometimes I can't understand what I was trying to fix.
Sometimes, the words I write don't even make sense.

 ^ She wasly? I tend to create new words when I'm exhausted.

When I first started editing, I only changed a few things, but by the end of my book every page looked like I had scribbled over it with a black pen in a bout of extreme anger or madness. It was a great time.

Add the fact that I don't have a Y-key.

I was a hot mess by the time I finally finished. 

 But, I finally finished editing my book. And the grand total of words and stuffs is below:

97,221 words. I don't even know that many words. Hopefully my book will be for sale soon, but until then, I'm taking a small break from novel-writing. I think I'll stick with short stories for awhile.

In other news, I've been really busy with basketball. It's actually been really fun. The girls on my team are awesome and I love posting pictures of the funny faces they make.

And taking their small mammals on walks through the streets of our town.

And I totally just remembered my other theory. (If you have no idea what I'm talking about - I'm referring to a post I made a week ago about Color Theory. I had another theory, but I forgot it. But now I have recalled it.)

The Pizza Roll Theory:
It is the simple idea that you can smell and determine what type of pizza roll you are about to consume. *Note: this theory only works when using a Combination of different pizza rolls. If you use all pepperoni, it does not count.

As usual, my friends don't believe anything I think and decided to test it themselves.

 They decided that you can, in fact, use smelling to determine whether the pizza roll is cheese or pepperoni -- quite grudgingly, I might add.
My friends think I'm weird and don't like to encourage my oddness. 

And then we went to the park!

Making friends is one one key aspect I enjoy in my basketball career, or lack thereof. I also get to witness some pretty cool sunsets during the bus rides.

Beautiful, no?

Look what happens when you turn it sideways:

It looks like space. And the pink stuff is a planet.

I would like to touch on something sad. Now that the first semester of school is over, my short stories class has run its course. I love that class. It was probably the most influential class -- on my writing, that is. It really helped me with my creativity and mechanical skills. I can now almost write in third person. I loved my teacher and my classmates. I think we really drew together as a class.
We also made a book of short stories together -- the BOSS. (Book of Short Stories).

We're really creative and stuff.
To end the class, we went out to eat for ice cream. It was bittersweet, but the perfect way to end a great semester.

I'll miss that class, but it will always be evident in my writings. And for that, I'm thankful.


  1. I saw the first sunset picture and was like "Oh wow that black looks just like space! and the pink like some sort of planet!!" Then I scrolled down and was like "Oh. Well then."

  2. Yay!! another twin!! :)
