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Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day

Happy Valentine's Day!
Or as I like to call it - Single's Awareness Day!

Originally, I thought I was going to do a fun little post where I wrote a letter from Valentine to his lover - kind of recreating the beginning of the saying 'Valentine's Day'. We learned about it at school today.

Did you know that in Rome, on Valentine's Day, they piked a boy's name and a girl's name from a wooden box and the two chosen had to be a couple for the rest of the year? It was supposed to be by chance, but it was really rigged by their parents, who had been arranging the marriage for years.
Instead of arranging my marriage, my mother sprang for some fun holiday treats.

 I love coming home to gifts <3

 And she even spelled Valentine correctly.

Addison got Happy Feet and Horton Hears a Who.
Let me rephrase that - I got Happy Feet and Horton Hears a Who. They will be mine.
Don't judge. They're great movies. 

 Owen got a chew toy.

 Apparently, my mother was feeling paticularly generous and got us all some applesauce.
 Or it could be for her husband, who is currently not allowed to eat solid food.
 Happy Valentine's Day, Joshua.

All in all, I got some pretty awesome presents.

In other new, I did not make it to the next round of the writing contest. At first, when I found out, I cried. I'll admit it. I cried. This is the first time I've been rejected, but that doesn't mean I'm going to roll over and give up. JK Rowling got denied a ton before her books got published. Even if I lost, it doesn't mean I should quit writing. I won't give up. I love writing and I think I should be thankful, even if I lost a contest that I really wanted to win, for the love of writing I have.

Happy Valentine's Day, folks.


  1. You should definitely not give up writing and I should come over to your house next year for Valentine's guys got some good stuff!

  2. Yes, the applesauce is mine!
    Keep writing!
