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Saturday, December 7, 2013

The Joys of Foods Class and Tofu

This may be a surprise to some of you, but I am not a good cook.

For others of you, this is not new information. My mother refuses to let me bake anything by myself because of past mishaps that resulted in inedible batches of cookies. Not all of them were my fault, to be perfectly clear. The Crisco was rotten one time! As for the other times, I have no comments.

However, I am taking Foods and Nutrition at school this year, in the hope that I will someday be able to feed others safely. We tend to make desserts instead of nutritious foods, though. We learn about nutrition so it evens out.

I had to make a video for a project about a food or a food product. I chose tofu! I've been a vegetarian for six or seven months now and eat tofu often. I really like it! The old me never would have even tried tofu. I think it's a common misconception that its gross. It is kind of gross raw but you can do so much with it! It can taste just like chicken, ice cream, or pie and still be low in calories, high in protein, and just better for you.

So I made a video about it. It's kind of hilarious, mostly because I'm awkward. But I thought someone might be interested.

The video below are some more bloopers that made me smile.

Well, I hoped you enjoyed my little videos and will consider eating tofu someday! My mom, Josh, and I all like it. Addie usually does, too. Give it a try or hit me up and I'll invite you over and make some . . . if you trust me, that is.

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